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Is the “busy game” hurting how much money you make?

A friend of mine once coined the term “Busy Game”. It’s when you are constantly reminding people of HOW busy you are.  

Last week I was dealing with agent that was: 

-too busy to talk to me on the phone

-too busy to answer my questions about their listing (for my buyer)

-too busy to look at my offer

-too busy to look at my offer the 2nd time

It was ridiculous.  And all I could think was:  you’re playing the ‘busy game’ and it’s actually hurting your clients AND how much money you make. 

Most agents believe all their money comes from their clients.  The truth is:  it also comes from your reputation, how you treat other agents and how you treat their clients.  

Have you ever worked with an agent that is playing games? Or making things difficult, and you know working with them is going to be a lot of work.  

I know, when I’m dealing with a professional agent, I can give my clients way more confidence about the process.  I know there won’t be any games that I have to maneuver my clients through; I can trust what the agent has said and I’m better able to manage my client’s expectations. And those are the times when they are more willing to do a deal or (if in multiple offers) pay a slight bit more.

Which, in turn, is more money for the listing agents clients. 

Our job is to provide value. That comes from great service to everyone.  

I was at a conference recently and the speaker said: the key to growing your real estate business moving forward is by providing value.  Playing the ‘busy game’, not being able to answer agent’s questions about your property, making them feel like they are an inconvenience, delaying offer presentations because you didn’t block off the proper time in your calendar is NOT providing value to anyone in the transaction.  


So while realtors have always ‘prided themselves’ on how “busy” they are, maybe it’s time to look at it from a different lens,  and see how it can actually be a dis-service to our clients, their bottom line as well as ours. 


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